Belle Fontaine M.T. September 17th, 1818 Dear Sir, What a contrast between the tranquil scenes of this day to the ever memorable 17th of September 1814, a day on which I cannot bestow a thought, but with mingled emotions of Pride & regret. Pride at the success of our Arms, but regret that so many of our heroes should fall; with pride at the applause gained by the 1st Regiment, on that day, but with regret that the samed Officer had not been in command of it during the whole Campaign, that commanded on that day; in which cse I hesitate not to declare it as my opinion, that no Regiment, in the Army of the same strength, would have sood higher. I feel predestinated, had you on this moment, thinking of writing on the same subject, and that you dwell with delight on Storming the British Battery at Fort Erie, and that however Seldon you may think of your then Companions, that you heard my thinking of them, with a feeling of friendship. If so, I can answer for one of them that this feeling is recipircal & will only end with Life itself. Lewis Bissell (former Captain of the 1st U.States Infantry) SOURCE: Missouri Historical Society